Terracon Geotechnique Ltd.

About Us
Terracon is an employee owned consulting and field services business that has been serving resource, industrial and government based projects across Western Canada for 35 years.
We are a diverse business that specializes in geotechnical engineering, geoscience advisory and field services, materials testing, construction monitoring, drill rig monitoring, and instrumentation installation and monitoring. We have significant operations in both Calgary and Fort McMurray and are able to mobilize teams and field operations quickly to projects across Western Canada in order to serve our clients.
We promote our Built Right In philosophy in everything we do. Quite simply, it’s a mindset of working efficiently and effectively in. Whether it’s executing a field program, building our team, developing our organization, or serving our clients, we strive to build opportunities and solutions that are inspiring, yet practical, safe, and always value added. We are a trusted partner that you can always count on – think of us as Built Right In to your operations.