Birch Mountain Enterprises Limited Partnership

General ContractorsConstruction SuppliesConsultantsFuel and LubeSite PreparationTrucking ServicesWaste Services
24 Hours, 7 Days, 365
Driving Directions:,-111.6300253,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xadf1f0c97a65c2f?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwifyMzBrKb7AhVWmGoFHSZmDeIQ_BJ6BAhuECE
About Us
Birch Mountain Enterprises (BME) is a vibrant and growing company based in Fort McKay, well known for being an industry leader in fluid hauling, high pressure and waste management services to Northern Alberta. Founded in 2005, BME is 100% First Nation owned company and a proud member of the Fort McKay Group of Companies. Employing over 360 people and operating a fleet of over 200 units, BME is recognized for our strong customer service, and solution provider, offering our customers with services including water trucks, pressure and vac trucks, steam trucks, hydro vacs and fuel trucks.
Highly active in supporting the local communities, BME contributes to dozens of local charitable organizations, from Keyano College, the Northern Lights Health Foundation, NABBA and Local Hero, along with a myriad of social, athletic, and cultural groups, with a strong emphasis on supporting youth.
Committed to the community in which we live and work, BME focuses on hiring locally, following a plan for increased employment and opportunity for our Indigenous community members. BME continues to foster and promote core Indigenous values that are at the heart of BME’s operations, and are reflected in our commitment to safety, environment, and community.
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